Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wednesday July 29, 2009

Off to Virginia! Good news because the weather forecast in NC is Rain followed by more rain. Then thundershowers. Bad thing because the rain follows us out of town. As we head up to the pass at Fancy Gap, we can just barely make out the sign that says "Fog Area". Good thing they had that sign. The only good thing is that the 80 million pound 18 wheelers can only go 40 mph up the grade. I'm going 35 because if I had a hood ornament, I wouldn't be able to see it.

Mary-Jeanine cracks the window so she can hear the inevitable pileup ahead of us. Fortunately, that doesn't happen. But, as we reach the top of the pass at Fancy Gap I decide to get off the road. All of a sudden those big rigs that were having trouble squashing us on the way up are going to have gravity on their side. The fog is incredibly thick.

How Thick was it?

Glad you asked. It was soooo thick that Mary-Jeanine didn't see the "Fancy Gap Fabric Outlet" sign on the exit ramp. But I did. And, since I need points after the near A/C disaster we go looking for it. Even though there were signs, we had to pull into a gas station for directions because we could not see the side streets. Once we made it to the outlet, Mary-Jeanine disappeared into it for a good hour and came out giddy with deals. Good thing we have space in the trailer for stuff.

By now, the fog had lifted and we proceeded along to Wytheville Virginia for the second of our fabric related stops. This time at least the kids and I got lunch at Applebees out of the deal.

Then, we finished out the day driving up to Charlottesville where they specialize in naming things after early US presidents. You never knew there were this many ways to use Jefferson in a name.

And, most importantly, the KOA has a working internet connection!

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